10 July 18: King of Cups, reversed

Respect my authority.

Fuck you.


This card is making me physically queasy. This King shouldn’t be King at all.

Upright, this King is the compassionate and archetypical kind, loving Father figure. He is of the emotional suit of Water (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer), and  pictured  seated on his throne (Morgan-Greer) with a thoughtful expression on his face holding his gold cup in his right hand, his gold scepter in his left.

Cups correspond with hearts in a poker deck, and they do represent the heart, love and emotion – and in OG Tarot, the Ace of Cups is said to represent the womb, specifically the womb of Mary – but which Mary? A-HA! (Cartoon Einstein voice).

This King is responsible for maintaining a certain amount of security and the emotional stability and well-being of the realm. He’s the King, after all, and we love and admire him for that. As we can see, he is calm and serene although the water under him and behind him is choppy and unstable.

Reversed, this King who should be ruling from his heart is not. He is a manipulative, miserable bastard who is so emotionally and sexually confused and repressed it’s scary and I don’t even want to see this guy after a couple of drinks. He’s in over his head.


On another level, you may be being offered kind advice – possibly regarding a creative project – by someone who means well. This could be Dad or a Father-figure type, or you’ve cast someone in that role in your life. You may have outgrown the need for this person’s well intended (or not) advice.










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